10 Glam Facts about Squalane

Squalene or squalane – you may have seen this term on moisturizers, facial oil, cleansers, masks or anti aging creams. And while the term squalene (with an „e“) may be new to you, it’s actually a natural oil that exists in your epidermis. When made for skin care, it becomes squalane. So what exactly is squalane, and what are its skin benefits?
Glam Fact 1: Squalane is an amazing moisturizer
HealthLine, the largest health information platform in the US, calls squalane an excellent emollient, or soother. It mimics your skin’s natural oils and provides hydration especially when you get older and our own built-in system for skin moisturizing decreases.
Above that, reseachers from Poland claim that, „squalene as a natural emollient is quickly and efficiently absorbed deep into the skin, restoring healthy suppleness and flexibility without leaving an oily residue.“
Glam Fact 2: our bodies themselves produce it
Squalane or squalene (with an „e“)? In humans squalene is a precursor of certain hormones like cholesterol. Much of it goes from the liver to the skin through the bloodstream. While newborns seem to have the most squalene, the amount decreases with age. HealthLine says that „peak production of this natural moisturizer occurs in the teen years, with production slowing down in your 20s or 30s. As a result, your skin becomes drier and rougher.“ Also, according to biochemistry, squalene is so-called ‚unsaturated‘ in its organic form, its structure is unstable and oxidyces fast, which makes it unapt for skin care products.
Glam Fact 3: Squalene must be hydrogenated to be included in skin care products.
Since squalene can be unstable in skin care products, it is converted into the more stable squalane (with an „a“). On their website, Cleveland Clinic exlains that ,“ to avoid the ingredient from spoiling or becoming rancid, it’s converted or hydrogenated into squalane (with an “a”), making it a stable form that can be used for skin care purposes.“
Glam Fact 4: Squalane – helps amp up hydration
Science says that boosting hydration can help your skin appear more vibrant and healthier. Regular use can also boost collage production, resulting in firmer skin. Further research says that „squalane not only provides hydration but also helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines by filling the skin with water.“
According to SpecialChem, squalane works best by „deeply hydrating the skin and locking in moisture by forming a protective barrier. It makes the skin more vibrant and healthier over time by replenishing and healing the surface.“
Glam Fact 5: Squalane is a natural antioxidant
In a 2013-medical paper, researchers explain the importance of squalane is a natural antioxidant : „One of its major roles is to protect skin from UV radiation and the formation of free radicals which are a main driver of skin aging and thereby taking into account its anticancer and immuostimulating properties to protect from skin cancer.“ The article further explains that for humans, “ squalene is not only used as an antioxidant, moisturizer, and material for topically applied vehicle, but is also used in treating skin disorders like seborrheic dermatitis, acne, psoriasis, or atopic dermatitis.“
Glam Fact 6: Squalane is a pure skin agent
Squalane is not a mixture of different components but contains only the active ingredient itself. Additionally, the oil is highly oxidation-stable and can last up to 24 months without the addition of preservatives.
Glam fact 7: Squalane works well in combinations
Squalane is often used in combination with other skin care agents to improve their effectiveness.
Retinol and squalane are two ingredients that can be used together or may both be found in a single skin care product. For example, in October 2023, researchers from India published a paper about squalene and bakuchiol, a plant-based alternativ to retinol, titled, ‚Daily use of a bakuchiol and squalane-containing face serum impacts skin esthetics‘.
In 2020, researchers from France paired squalane and vitamin C, which “ significantly increased epidermal thickness and preferentially favored collagen III production in human skin after application for 10 days.“
Glam fact 8: Squalene can be part of your diet
ScienceDirect, the world’s leading source for scientific, technical, and medical research, says that squalene (with an „e“) is a naturally occurring lipid component consumed by humans as an integral part of a healthy diet. It is recognized as a functional compound of high importance because of its beneficial effects on human health. Squalene has several beneficial properties: it is a natural antioxidant, it decreases serum cholesterol concentrations, and it possesses photoprotective, tumor-protective, and cardioprotective properties. According to ScienceDirect, „olive oil is the major vegetal edible source.“ Squalene is also „present in lower amounts in other vegetable oils such as pumpkin, amaranth seed, soybean, sunflower, palm, and rice bran.“
Not so glam fact 9: Environmental concerns
There are some environmental concerns when it comes to squalene.
As the authors of a 2013-medical publication write: „The best source of squalene is the liver of the deep sea shark.“ The Japanese chemist Mitsumaru Tsujimoto first discovered the molecule of squalene as a major part in the liver oil of deep sea sharks. As the researchers continue in their paper, „the last 40 years has brought a huge interest in squalene as a valuable compound in pharmacy or cosmetology.“ As a consequence, some species of deep sea shark are on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species today.
Currently, ScienceDirect says that „squalane can be derived from multiple sources. Plants, such as
amaranth, palm, wheat germ, and olive, are also good sources of squalene.“ So, better look for products that contain 100% plant-derived squalane. This should be noted on a product’s label or packaging.
Glam Fact 10: My personal Squalane Glam Facts
Squalane leaves a pleasantly silky-soft skin feeling without residue. If you don’t like the feeling of a thicker face cream, squalane can be really good for you because of its light weight. Better put on your lighter products, like a serum or toner, first and then layer squalane on top. It could even eplace your moisturizer. Just remember to look for products that contain 100% plant-derived squalane.

You and I might have one common interest, which is spending our precious money only for the good stuff. And informed buyers don’t fall easily for the promises of the marketing industry. But for being informed you need to get information – and that’s the point where I believe liable reporting comes into play, or at least the desire to let others profit from the research I do. All it takes for me is writing , which isn’t such an easygoing task as one could conclude from my lax statement – in fact it is not. It is in fact hard work that subordinates itself to the rules of informative and entertaining language.