New York Urban Jungle

MoMA is closed for the summer?
Re-open it online
For many New Yorkers and tourists alike, the city’s museums are a welcomed retreat to escape the city heat on hot summer days. One of the most famous museums, the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), is closed until October 20, in case you’re planning a visit. Still, the museum has more to offer than a tour of its exhibits.
Online options
On the MoMA website you can find free online classes for art lovers on different subjects like photography, fashion, design, abstract painting or teaching strategies. Scroll down to the very buttom of the MoMA homepage to ‚Research and Learning‚ and click on it. Once you’re on ‚Research and Learning‘, you can click on ‚Online Courses‚ and you’re right there.
Learn about fashion
Since I love fashion and art, I decided to check out ‚ Fashion as Design‚. Let me mention here that once you click ‚Register for this course‘ you’re redirected to coursera. Registration is for free, but you can also get a certificate, which is 43 USD.
(BTW: I decided to go for the certificate.)
Want to know more about my online experience with ‚Fashion and Design‘? Stay tuned…